Find Your Way Around the Park

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A map of the Stanley park area with a list of attractions.

FSB Wildlife Sanctuary Trails Map

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Wildlife Sanctuary Map

The Frank Stanley Beveridge Memorial Wildlife Sanctuary comprises over 160 acres of managed trails and land along the Little River. The sanctuary contains a wide variety of native trees, wildflowers, ferns, and more. It is also a haven for many area birds and wildlife. Frank Stanley Beveridge was born in Canada on April 17, 1879. In March 1900, having traveled from Pembrooke Shores, near Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Frank arrived at Mount Hermon School in Northfield, Massachusetts with only a quarter, a dime and one Canadian dollar bill. He remained at Mount Hermon School for three years. In 1933, Beveridge founded Stanley Home Products, Inc. in Westfield, Massachusetts (The Enesco Group, Inc.) . In 1947, he founded the Frank Stanley Beveridge Foundation, Inc., a trust. In 1949, he established the Stanley Park of Westfield, Inc. on twenty-five acres of land in Westfield, Massachusetts. Today, Stanley Park consists of nearly 300 acres of formal gardens, a carillon tower, trails, sports fields and natural areas, such as the Wildlife Sanctuary.

New for 2025!

Stanley Park Interactive Map

Have you ever wondered about the type of tree or the trail you're on? We're continually updating our interactive map. Detailed instructions on how to use this map can be found below. Click image below to go to interactive map site.

Stanley Park Interactive Map

Stephanie Nunez Malloy (student), under the supervision of Dr. Timothy LeDoux from the Regional Planning Department at Westfield State University, developed this interactive map using ArcGIS technology. Their collaboration enhances the visualization of spatial data, making information about Stanley Park more accessible to the community. This resource serves not only to aid visitors but also to support the ongoing relationship between Stanley Park and Westfield State University.

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